Armin Ghazi had a business in North Carolina known as Monkey Joe’s Parties & Play. He opened a practice for email marketing and IT consultancy services after setting up an account with MailChimp for the business. It happened that the business was in Armin’s blood and it wasn’t long before he started providing consultancy services to a franchise in Nashville.

In order to grow their list, he suggested that they use the iPad Chimpadeedoo application about one year ago. Although they had been using the MailChimp app to engage with their customers, their Signup system was not good enough. Normally, it involved guests filling out dead-tree waivers for their kids who would be playing, at the check-in counter. At the end of the waivers, was space to enter email addresses.

Approximately, 40% to 50% filled out their email addresses, half of the collected addresses were entered into a spreadsheet and of the data in soft copy, about 25% to 50% had syntax and misspelling errors. It took at least a week to get guests into the system. Moreover, they were never told their email addresses would be used for marketing.

The Monkey Joe’s Parties & Play in Nashville purchased an iPad, set up a sign-up skin that is customized for their business, bought a Griffin stand as well as a Se-Kure security tether for use on the same platform. Later in mid 2011, they opened another branch in Nashville with an iPad running the Chimpadeedoo app. It eliminated the need for data entry in the business; this is one reason the staff love the app.

According to Armin, they love using their iPad app because it is more effective and reliable than their old system. And best of all, it is loved by all stakeholders. In December 2010, when Monkey Joe’s was first opened, the number of their customers approximated 250. With their new implementation of the iPad app, they set a goal to get 5,000 customers by mid 2011. Thanks to Chimpadeedoo, they realized their goal earlier, in April.

By September, they had 7,500 customers and hit 10,000 in December. According to Armin, inclusion of a coupon in every email campaign is the way to go as it improves business-client interaction. With the iPad app Chimpadeedoo, the Monkey Joe’s had been able to attain 10,000 customers subscribed to them in just a year.

As an industry leader in iPad rental services, TouristPad rents the latest iPads in Singapore. Whether you want to organize a meeting, conference or any kind of event, rent iPads with us. We drop and pick the gadgets to and from the events venue. Contact us today for more information.

The app is free, and we can preload it with customization for a cost effective way for your business to reach more customers at the NATAS Travel Fair, IT Show, or COMEX in Singapore.