Various companies in Singapore and the rest of the world have embraced the use of mobile devices in meeting business needs, setting the expectations of customers and ensuring that employees follow the rules and procedures in the workplace to the latter. Recently, there have been efforts to implement technology to improve health care outcomes and reduce costs.

It is crucial to define not just the kind of care a patient expects to receive, but also, what is entailed in the road ahead to recovery. Otherwise, the healthcare process dwindles to poor outcomes, high unwarranted variations, high costs, long stays in hospitals, dissatisfaction of both the patient and the health care provider as well as reduced predictability.

IPads can be used to develop or access interactive medical programs with detailed descriptions of clinical milestones, treatment plans, list of activities to engage in ‘To Do Lists’, educational materials, problem identification and generation of reports on a patient’s progress by the healthcare provider.

The Healthcare Problem

Just like any other practice, the reimbursed Medicare funds are usually much lower than the actual cost of care in cardiac surgery. The value of medical care is greatly affected by high unwarranted variations in the operating rooms, patient floors as well as the intensive care units.

The iPad Solution

A review of the technology-based iPad health care model indicates that the iPad program is robust, result-oriented and provides results that are predictable for many patients. Therefore, with results that are predictable, health care providers can set expectations for patients to enable them participate in the program and share critical information with them. As a result, the providers are forced to adhere to the program in order to attain the expected positive results.

With the use of the iPad, patients can access the following:

Strength Modules – this feature allows the provider to set the patient daily expectations such as the physical activities they are expected to engage in. For instance, the breathing exercises they should indulge in as well as walks and duration. Furthermore, the patients can access self-assessment tools through the iPad program to help them report mobility and pain to their provider or doctor.

Modular Educational Materials – patients have access to on time and relevant materials regarding their medical conditions, surgery, and expected daily care activities.

Plan of Stay – depending on a patient’s medical condition, surgery and status of their functional abilities before visiting the hospital, this feature can be tailored to meet the needs of individual patients. The plan feature includes daily ‘to do’ lists and clinical milestones for patients in accordance with their events for recovery and clinical status.

Planning of Recovery – the iPad app for Medicare also provides patients access to critical information on how they should care for themselves upon discharge from the hospital and may include activity, exercise and diet restrictions, caring for wounds, potential complications, follow-up appointments and even how to spot them. is a company that provides iPad rental services in Singapore. Whether you are looking for iPads for use in a business event or healthcare facility, rent iPads with us. Contact us today and we will deliver the iPads and pick them afterwards, when the event or iPad use comes to an end.